Validator output for

RDF parser error:Content is not allowed in prolog.
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Original profile

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>

*	ACG HTML browser handset UA Prof template
*	Version:		0.1
*	Created:		05/10/08
*	Author:			Jeyun Park(
*	Organization:		LG Electronics
*	Copyright 2008 LG Electronics 
*	Note
*		Add elements that are defined in the UAPROF specification 
*               if additional features are supported by their device
*	Revision History
*		0.1		Initial Release for ACG
*		// 0.1		Initial Release
*		// 0.2		Added Adobe Flash(.swf, .flv) & Windows Media Video/Audio(.wmv, .wma) MIME type
*	Known issues
<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf=""

<rdf:Description rdf:ID="MyDeviceProfile">

<!--********************** Hardware Platform Description ***************************************-->
	<rdf:Description rdf:ID="HardwarePlatform">
	<rdf:type rdf:resource="" />

<!-- ******** Vendor/model *******-->	

<!-- Enter the vendor name here.  This must match the vendor name in the EDF -->		
<!-- Enter the device model name here.  This must match the SKU -->		
<!-- Change if different -->
<!--****** Display ******-->
<!-- Enter screen size in pixels here - width x height -->
<!-- "Yes" if device supports color -->	
<!-- Enter the color or grayscale depth here -->
<!-- Change if not 1:1 -->

<!--  <prf:PointingResolution> </prf:PointingResolution>   --> 
<!-- This should always be "Yes" -->

<!-- Enter the screen size in characters here.  Use the default font.(Number of characters perrow)x(Number of rows).in the device's defaultfont. -->		

<!-- Change to "No" only if the default font on the device is not proportional -->

<!-- List the supported output character sets here. UTF-8 and UTF-16 are required by spec-->
<!-- ******** Input capabilities ******-->		
<!-- List the supported Input character sets here -->
<!-- This should always be "Yes" -->
<!-- This value should only be changed if the device does not use a standard DTMF keypad -->

<!-- Enter the number of softkeys supported by the device -->

<!-- ********* Audio **********-->	

<!-- This should always be "Yes" -->

<!-- This should be "Yes" for all voice capable devices -->		


<!--********************** Software Platform Description ***************************************-->
	<rdf:Description rdf:ID="SoftwarePlatform">
      	<rdf:type rdf:resource="" />

<!-- ***** Basic ******-->

<!-- Should be "Yes" for all Java capable devices -->

<!-- Should not change if using Qualcomm software-->	

<!-- Should not change if using Qualcomm software-->	
<!-- Fill in version of DMSS Software base -->
<!-- ********* CCPP accept **********-->

<!-- List all accepted MIME types here -->
			<!-- Markup languages -->
			<!-- Images -->
			<!-- Audio / Multimedia  -->
			<!-- Video / Multimedia  -->
			<!-- Adobe Flash / Multimedia  -->
			<!-- Other: add other supported types here -->
<!-- List all accepted character sets here. UTF-8 and UTF-16 required by spec -->
			<!-- Enter other items... -->
<!-- List all accepted languages here in order of preference -->
			<!-- Enter other languages, e.g. spanish, french... -->
<!-- List all accepted transfer encodings here -->
<!-- ******** Input Encoders ******-->
<!-- Don't know if we need this or not... -->
	<!--  <prf:AudioInputEncoder></prf:AudioInputEncoder> -->

<!--********************** Network Characteristics Description ***************************************-->

	<rdf:Description rdf:ID="NetworkCharacteristics">
	<rdf:type rdf:resource=""></rdf:type>
<!-- Indicate support for SSL 3.0 and TLS 1.0 -->
<!-- Indicate support for IS-2000 release 0 packet data bearer -->
<!-- May add more detail here in a later rev. -->

<!--********************** Browser UA Description ***************************************-->

	<rdf:Description rdf:ID="BrowserUA">
      	<rdf:type rdf:resource="" />
<!-- ********* Browser Identification ********** -->

<!-- Enter the browser vendor/product name here -->
<!-- Enter the browser version here -->
<!-- ********** Capabilities *********** -->
<!-- Frames are not supported -->
<!-- Basic tables are supported in xhtml-basic -->
<!-- Frames are not supported -->
<!-- *********** Applet / Script support is not required ********** -->	
<!-- ************* XHTML support - indicate XHTML-Basic 1.0 ************ -->


<!--********************** WAP Characteristics Description ***************************************-->

	<rdf:Description rdf:ID="WapCharacteristics">
        <rdf:type rdf:resource="" />

<!--******** General ***********-->

<!--*********** WML ************-->

<!-- If full wml 2.0 is supported, it should be added here -->	

<!-- Enter the maximum deck size for wml -->


<!--********************** Push Characteristics Description ***************************************-->
<!-- Note: This entire section is TBD in this revision -->

	<rdf:Description rdf:ID="PushCharacteristics">
	<rdf:type rdf:resource="" />



<!-- ********************************-->	

<!--********************** MMSCharacteristics Description *******************************-->

	<rdf:Description ID="MMSCharacteristics">
		<!-- Enter max message size here -->

		<!-- Enter Max Image Resolution here -->


		<!-- Enter acceptible content type for MMS here -->

		<!-- Enter acceptible character set for MMS here -->

